Wearable devices like smartwatches and fitness trackers are becoming increasingly popular among consumers. Unfortunately to wearable companies, pregnancy health is at best an afterthought, if even considered at all. Apple Watches and Fitbits for example don't even have a pregnancy setting, which
causes a great deal of frustration and anxiety for users.
In contrast, at Velmio we are driven by the potential for wearable devices to transform the healthcare landscape. We embrace the fact that wearable devices are especially well-suited to monitoring the significant physiological changes that occur to the human body during pregnancy.
Wearable tracking is integrated with Velmio's connected Health Fabric technology. This means that our algorithms analyze patterns across all aspects of your health and lifestyle to give you a detailed picture of your health. In combination with technologies like machine learning, our technology will enable early detection and prevention of adverse health outcomes in pregnancy.